Some important IT support news to conform with recent Institute developments.
1) Due to Winter Break there will be NO SHASS IT SUPPORT from Friday December 24th through the end of 2021. IT Support will resume on January 3rd with our remote support model.
a)Remote Support Model Details can be found here:
2) There will be NO IN PERSON SUPPORT between December 23, 2021 and January 28th, 2022. The SHASS Dean’s Office will all be working from home until January 28th 2022.
3) The remote support model will be in place Thursday December 23rd and from January 3rd through January 28th 2022.
4) At this time, the plan is to return to the in person support model on Monday January 31, 2022. I will let everyone know if this date gets pushed due to current events.
5) Details of our in person and remote support models can be found on as well as online IT documentation and DIY resources.
We wish everyone a very happy Solstice, a Wonderful Winter Holiday season, a very Merry Christmas, and a very Happy New Year! Please stay safe and healthy and we look forward to seeing everyone next year!